Quantified Self Global Conference 2017 – my show & tell talk about meditation

Self-tracking geeks…

like me love to try new gadgets, wearables, plattforms and apps, which claim to bring you some help and advise on how to improve something in your life. Exercising regularly, saving time or money, drinking more or less, reading more books, knowing your sleep and menstruation cycles, meditating and much much more.

Are you maybe looking for…

  • Increased mental strength, memory and focus
  • Better immune system and health
  • Less worries, stress and depression
  • Better relationships, more compassion and love
  • Higher creativity and productivity
  • even growth of grey matter in our brain

All these are proved benefits in scientific studies about the effects of regular meditation praxis, and there are many more. Over 100 analyzed scientific studies show well-marked benefits of meditation to the human brain, body, well-being and relationships.

For example: a kind of „Super Mind! with improved information processing, better cognitive skills and creative thinking. Of course a healthier body with reduced blood pressure, less inflammatory disorders and asthma, higher energy level and even more longevity. Emotional well-being improves too. You can expect enhanced self-esteem & self-acceptance, it helps prevent emotional eating & smoking and it helps develop positiv social connections. Sounds great? 

Why I started to meditate

First of all there was (and still is) an inner wish to self-improve. I strived for more concentration and persistence in studying and later working and above all a stronger focus on what I was doing at a given moment. I wanted to think faster… and to be less distracted.

After reading books and trying out some analog meditation groups I discovered Muse – the meditation headband. which was supposed to help me establishing a regular meditation praxis and to train my ability to focus. My talk at the Quantified Self global conference in Amsterdam was about how I did it and what I learned. Look for other great reports on Twitter here: @quantifiedself or: #qs17 


This article was first published at http://socialmediafuehrerschein.de

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